Andre Blush Champagne Sparkling Wine | 750 ml
MSRP: $8.99$7.99Andre Blush Champagne is a sweet pink wine with fruity aromas, palate-pleasing cranberry and strawberry notes, and a smooth finish. Enjoy Andre California champagne on its own, or mix with juice for...
Andre Brut Champagne Sparkling Wine | 750 ml
MSRP: $8.99$7.99Andre Brut Champagne is crisp, simple and slightly sweet. This sparkling wine is made from a blend of white grapes from California. It's refreshing and versatile with fruity notes of green apple,...
Andre Extra Dry Champagne Sparkling Wine | 750 ml
MSRP: $8.99$7.99Andre Extra Dry Champagne is refreshing, fruity and slightly sweet. A perfect balance, along with the fresh pear and apple flavors make this sparkling wine a crowd favorite. Celebrate a bachelorette...
Andre Peach Moscato Champagne Sparkling Wine | 750 ml
MSRP: $8.99$7.99Andre Peach Moscato Sparkling Wine is a sweet Champagne bursting with flavors of sweet peach, honey and hints of orange. Make Andre Sparkling wine your go-to bubbly for girls' nights and parties...